
IAB Native Advertising Playbook 2.0

IAB Native Advertising Playbook 2.0 42

Today's Native Ad Types and Criteria for How to Evaluate
IAB published its groundbreaking IAB Native Advertising Playbook in December 2013. Since that time, IAB has released numerous companion pieces to the Playbook and IAB Tech Lab has developed important native technical specifications such as OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads. In late-2018, an IAB working group came together to determine what Playbook changes, if any, were warranted based on today's media and marketing environment. The group agreed that while many parts of the Playbook have stood the test of time, other parts needed to be updated or modified based on native maturity and industry changes over the past several years. These industry changes, which did not happen overnight, collectively have impacted the business . . .


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