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Successful Strategies for Using Mobile Location Data

Successful Strategies for Using Mobile Location Data 1

Most marketers acknowledge that as mobile devices continue to become extensions of the individual, the opportunity to deliver highly relevant and personal advertising is tremendous. The power of the mobile format is further enhanced through location data; an indispensable tool for reaching consumers at the exact moment of need and the heart of most mobile advertising conversations.

In many respects, location is the new cookie in digital advertising currency, and understanding how location data can be best applied in marketing and media capacities is the key to unlocking the targeting value of mobile.

mobile-location-teaserMedia agencies and marketers can now confidently assert a general awareness of the different types of mobile location data available; however, many may be overwhelmed by the broad range of names, terms and definitions used to describe varying mobile location tactics and the associated technologies they employ. With a bevy of tactical approaches out there, it can be challenging to understand how one geo-focused targeting strategy differs from another. Furthermore, industry professionals will often use the names of different geo targeting tactics interchangeably, exacerbating the muddied waters that encompass mobile location.

For those seeking practical use cases for running successful locally targeted campaigns across mobile devices – including smartphone and tablets – The IAB’s Mobile Location targeting Working Group has assembled a paper, available at Clear, concise descriptions are included to help easily decipher what separates one location technology from another.

The paper offers case studies with actual campaigns as in-depth examples of how marketers are successfully capitalizing on local targeting and location data to increase the effectiveness of their mobile marketing campaigns. These detailed examples bring clarity to how various types of location data when uniquely employed can help a brand or advertiser achieve their custom campaign goals.

As we head into the promise of a truly “cross-platform” digital advertising world, location will only become more important, especially in light of the impressive amount of connected devices coming into the market. Marketers and agencies alike should become familiar with the various location data sources and their uses.


Peter Weingard

Noor Naseer