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IAB Unveils Exciting NewFronts 2020 Theme

Women, Media Consumption & Business in the Coronavirus Crisis

Insight. Inspiration. Transformation. Embracing Change in a New World.

Major changes, we’re eternally reminded, don’t happen overnight.

Except, of course, when they do.

We are living through one of those rare moments of sweeping change right now: a vast reset and reinvention of audience behavior. Consumers and businesses alike have already moved from panicked triage to urgent innovation to a surprised and confident embrace of entirely new ways of working and playing.

Consumer behaviors and media habits have transformed and continue to transform.

“Our industry isn’t on ‘pause’. Far from it. It’s on fast-forward, and we’ll all have to race to catch up with changed behaviors.” said Randall Rothenberg, CEO IAB.

What are we learning about consumers and their media habits that will transform our industry? Which behaviors are fleeting and which are lasting? What are the implications for marketers? What new models are emerging that marketers and agencies should know about?

Presentations are planned by NewFronts Founding Partners Hulu and YouTube, plus confirmed presentations from Condé Nast, Crackle Plus, Ellen Digital, Roku, The Recount, The Wall Street Journal | Barron’s Group, Tubi, Vibenomics, and 3BLACKDOT. Program contributions are also expected from Facebook, GSTV, Samsung Ads, Tremor Video, and Xandr. Additional digital content presenters are expected to be added to the virtual program shortly.

Those presenters will provide fresh insights about the new behaviors they’re seeing, and how to embrace those changes.

This year’s NewFronts is about guiding marketers and agencies towards the fresh opportunities emerging from the complexity, and celebrating the best new experiences available in what is an entirely new day.

“I’ll be honest – when we first confronted the need to hold the NewFronts entirely online back in March, it was exciting but daunting,” said David Cohen, President, IAB. “Already, working with publishers, brands, and tech companies to pull it all together feels much more natural. Just look around at the innovation we are seeing in production, storytelling and building immersive virtual experiences. That’s how fast things have changed. This is one NewFronts no one should miss.”

Discussions are still underway with more industry leaders, and the schedule is still evolving. We’ll update as soon as we can.