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An Open Letter From Publishers to Advertisers

Dear Advertisers,

We’ll just say it: It’s time to improve your mobile advertising.

In a medium that’s all about movement, your ads are inert. With consumers accustomed to content tailored to their time, place and interests, most mobile ads are peculiarly one-dimensional.

To guarantee the ads you pay for actually appear and look great on all screens, you should insist to your ad agencies that your advertising creative be developed in a mobile-compatible format. And the one open, industry-standard, universal format for building mobile-ready creative is HTML5.

Your opportunity has never been greater. Nearly half of the US population has a mobile phone with internet access*, and one out of five pageviews on the web happen on a mobile device – a number that is growing every month.**

HTML5 will enable you, your agencies and publishing partners to make your creative ideas captivating on every screen, elevate your brand image, and lower your creative costs. We know this may mean a change in how you develop your ad creative. But there are many tools to augment work with HTML5, such as responsive design, and a multitude of suppliers available to assist.

If you’re not familiar with HTML5, IAB offers guidance on optimizing HTML5 ad code for better performance across platforms: HTML5 for Digital Advertising. In addition, IAB, in partnership with technology leaders in the space, will be producing a series of webinars focused on HTML5 and other mobile advertising solutions. To learn more, register here.

Then ask your agencies and developers for mobile-friendly HTML5 so you can reach your audience across all screens.


*source: eMarketer “US Mobile Phone Internet Users and Penetration, 2012-2017.”

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