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IAB Thanks NTIA for Convening Process on Facial Recognition Technology

IAB thanks the NTIA for convening the Privacy Multistakeholder Process on Facial Recognition Technology

June 15, 2016 – Dave Grimaldi, Executive Vice President of Public Policy at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), today issued the following statement on the conclusion of the NTIA Privacy Multistakeholder Process on Facial Recognition Technology:

“IAB thanks the NTIA for convening the Privacy Multistakeholder Process on Facial Recognition Technology. Over the past 28 months we have had the opportunity to learn from a broad set of stakeholders and experts in the field of facial recognition technology. As a result of this dialogue, we are better informed about how this still-nascent technology will need to coexist with consumer expectations. We look forward to future evolutions of this conversation.”


Dave Grimaldi
Executive Vice President of Public Policy
at IAB