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IAB Statement On New EU Privacy Proposal

IAB's Dave Grimaldi issues statement in response to FCC privacy rules

On January 10, Dave Grimaldi, Executive Vice President of IAB (U.S.), released the following statement in response to the presentation of the proposed Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications by the European Commission to the European Parliament and Council of the EU.

Dave Grimaldi Appointed IAB EVP, Public Policy, IAB“This proposal risks harming the livelihood of millions of websites and apps that rely on digital advertising to fund content and tools for consumers, not just in Europe, but in the U.S. as well. As written, it will diminish our members’ ability to innovate by introducing prescriptive rules that cannot adapt to the rapidly evolving digital economy. Citizens in Europe and around the world are better served by laws and self-regulatory regimes that protect consumers without hindering access to their digital world. We look forward to supporting our industry partners in Europe as this proposal is considered.”​

Proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications