
How Marketing Innovations Turn Content into Conversations

How Marketing Innovations Turn Content into Conversations

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands have a distinct advantage over most incumbent, established brands because of one significant difference:

They inherently understand the value of content and the role of storytelling as an important, if not the most important, foundational element of their marketing plan.

They understand that the purpose of this content is to engage consumers in authentic ways to build their communities, establish consumer affinity and, most importantly, differentiate themselves from the competition.
DTC brands use content with retention in mind from the get-go.
The traditional marketing model for established brands is to start with awareness-building tactics, focusing on reach and frequency with a “one-to-many” marketing/content approach. This is typically done with one-size-fits-all overtly promotional . . .

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Susan Borst
Head of Social and Content Marketing Solutions
at IAB