Conference - Convene Park Avenue, New York

Keys to Consumer Attention | Tech Lab Innovation Day

Nov 12, 2019 / 9:00 am - 6:30 pm EST ‧ Last Chance!

How Great Ad Experiences and Scalable Measurement Help Brands Connect with Consumers

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      Join us to learn more about the drivers of consumer attention and how consumers’ media experience and measurement have evolved over time. We will also dive into specific measurement initiatives and how they support advertisers in understanding the impact of their advertising spend. Speakers from Dentsu Aegis, Google, Kochava, NBCUniversal, Nielsen, Pandora, Quantcast and other thought leaders will share the latest advances in user experience and how to build effective advertising to capture co... Read More



      About the Venue

      IAB Tech Lab Innovation Day - Keys to Consumer Attention: How Great Ad Experience and Scalable Measurement Help Brands Connect with Consumers

      Convene Park Avenue
      237 Park Avenue
      New York, NY 10017

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