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IAB Member Code of Conduct

The IAB Code of Conduct is intended to provide IAB Members with a set of best practices and guidelines with which IAB Members agree to adhere to when joining and maintaining their membership in the IAB. In order to qualify as an IAB Member or renew IAB membership, each Member will be required to comply with the Code of Conduct and also agree to be subject to the various procedures and processes adopted by the IAB to deal with non-compliance and any on-going issues that may arise in connection with our Code of Conduct.

The IAB is committed to the continued growth of the interactive advertising ecosystem in tandem with ethical and consumer-friendly advertising practices. The IAB Board of Directors is authorized not only to develop and maintain this Code of Conduct, but to also establish and implement procedures and guidelines for the purpose of determining when violations or failures occur and for allowing the Members to participate in a resolution and remediation process that is both reasonable and fair to the Members and the industry in which the Members do business. The Code of Conduct represents a commitment by the IAB and its Members to follow the ethical standards and best practices evidenced by the Code of Conduct at all times.

Per the terms and conditions of Membership in the IAB, all active Members are required to have policies and procedures in place to be in compliance with the Code of Conduct and agree to submit to the procedures and guidelines that allow the IAB and its Members to appropriately deal with questions regarding compliance and non-compliance that may arise. The IAB fully expects this Code of Conduct to be a dynamic and evolving set of principles and procedures, because our Membership and the interactive advertising ecosystem are dynamic and evolving.

All IAB members are required to be compliant with the IAB Member Code of Conduct.

For questions regarding implementation, please contact Dave Grimaldi, Executive Vice President, Public Policy.