
A Comprehensive Picture of Digital Video and TV Advertising

IAB Digital Video Ad Effectiveness Case Study 1

Viewing, Budget Share Shift, and Effectiveness
The study benchmarked how real TV schedules across key advertiser verticals perform as money moved to digital. To accomplish this, the research examined 18 real TV schedules across advertiser verticals. Categories included Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), specifically Health & Beauty and Food & Beverage, as well as non-CPG verticals such as Technology, Automotive, Retail, Finance and Telecom. Findings pointed to various benefits from a 15 percent shift into digital:

  • On average, CPG reach grew 3.4 percent (3.4 reach points) among persons 18 and older (P18+) when 15 percent of ad spend moved into digital
  • In all . . .

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