
Playable Ads for Brands, An IAB Playbook

Playable Ads for Brands, An IAB Playbook 1

Playable Ads for Brands, An IAB Playbook is the first guide of its kind designed to help brand marketers and their agencies learn everything they need to know to get started and expand their usage of playable ads. It includes definitions, benefits, creative options, how to buy, measurement, industry recommendations and more. With the right information and tools, playables can be effective for all brands. They are not just for mobile games anymore!
Mission and Contributors
The mission of the IAB Playables Working Group is to help brand marketers and their agencies get started with and/or expand their usage of playable ads by providing information that includes the following; definitions, benefits, creative options, how to buy, measurement, industry recommendations and more. Consumers spend the . . .


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