
The Data Management Platform: Foundation for Right-Time Customer Engagement

Finally - a Trusted Roadmap to Help Us All Demystify our Industry 1

Over the last decade, the worlds of digital advertising, marketing, commerce and media have nearly drowned—in an alphabet soup of acronyms. RTB. DSP. DCO. PPC. PII. SSP. CMS—and more. They’re the lingua franca of the evolving information age; the terms that describe the technologies, processes and other innovations driving the growth of the commercial Internet. But their shelf lives, not surprisingly, rarely exceed more than just a few years—reflecting the rapid pace of change (as well as the many failed experiments) that have marked the evolution of digital technology.

One of the newest ingredients in the alphabet soup, though, shows signs of substantially greater staying power. The data management platform—or DMP—emerged just a few years ago as an ad . . .

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