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Henny Penny and the state of digital marketing: The sky is not falling

Henny Penny and the state of digital marketing: The sky is not falling

If one pays casual attention to marketing and media trade publications, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that the heyday of digital advertising is over. Each week there are new stories about the challenges facing the industry: viewability, ad fraud, ad blocking and more. With these challenges, there’s the assumption that brands may no longer be willing to move ad spend into the medium.

Last year, digital ad spend in the US reached $59.6 billion. This represents a 20-percent increase over the then record-breaking digital ad spend in 2014. Do these numbers describe an industry in crisis? Read more from IAB VP of Marketing, Chris Glushko, in Marketing Land.

Henny Penny and the state of digital marketing: The sky is not falling


Chris Glushko