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IAB Hosts California Advocacy Day

IAB Hosts California Advocacy Day

On March 12th, IAB brought together over 20 companies from across the digital advertising industry for a day of meetings with the California State Legislature. This first-of-its companies ranged from small businesses with less than 10 employees to California’s largest employers.

Over the course of the day, IAB met with over 30 legislators and staff to highlight the benefits of the digital advertising industry to California residents and the broader economy. Participants also highlighted their concerns with the CCPA and asked that amendments be made that recognize the value of advertising and the existing privacy protections our industry has adopted. For example, as the CCPA is currently written, there is concern that it will require businesses to turn pseudonymous data into identifiable information. IAB members asked the legislature for clarifications in the law that recognize the stronger protections offered by pseudonymized data and incentivize privacy protective security practices.

IAB continues to engage with the state legislature to ensure our industry’s voice is heard and necessary amendments are made. Contact [email protected] if you wish to participate in future IAB advocacy events.

Read more on CCPA