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IAB Multicultural Hub: Best Practices for Multicultural Digital Content + Advertising

Over 50% of the U.S. population is diverse, non-white Americans. When you consider Americans who are married to, living with and living in multicultural neighborhoods and communities, it is clear that the new mainstream America is multicultural.

Hispanics are the fastest growing population segment in the United States. The population of Hispanics is expected to exceed 58 million by the end of 2016. But other diverse populations are growing fast, too.  Asia is projected to replace Latin America (including Mexico) as the minority-majority source of new U.S. immigrants.  In addition, African Americans have unprecedented buying power, reaching $1.2 trillion as of 2015 (up 275 percent from 1990).

The IAB Multicultural Council has long addressed the importance of diversity in the digital advertising marketing place and is committed to promoting the vibrancy, growth and strength of the multicultural marketplace as it pertains to content, marketing, and corporate culture both in their initiatives and employee diversity. The word diversity is ever changing in our conversations. The Councils’ members focus on all multicultural considerations including but not limited to: Hispanic, Asian American, African American, Latino, Black, LGBTQ, Veterans, Body Positivity and Gender Equality.

“Our clients are always asking us for support in order to educate their teams and others within their organizations about the Multicultural consumer. Our efforts will be extremely valuable in this sense, mainly because of the multitude of segments – agencies, publishers, developers, etc… – collaborating for the development of its content in today’s evolving diverse marketplace” said Carla Eboli, CMO Dieste. 

The Council seeks ongoing efforts to establish best practices across all multicultural considerations and segments of our marketplace.

With the aid of the 60+ companies within our Council, and under the leadership of Co-Chairs Diego Antista, U.S. Multicultural Agency Head, Google, and Liz Blacker, EVP, Multicultural Strategy and Sales, iHeartMedia, we created an initiative to establish best practices that will support our buy-side agency and brand partners in navigating multicultural advertising in the “new America.” We are thrilled to announce the launch of IAB’s Multicultural Hub showcased at, as a valuable resource for digital advertisers.

“Multicultural Marketing delivers great results, however in order to be successful marketers need to understand the nuances and guidelines that need to be managed”, said Guillermo Abud, Head of Global Business Development & Programmatic for Batanga Media. “It should never be a one size fits all approach, and the IAB Multicultural Hub is a great resource for many of those guidelines.”

Council members have pooled their considerable expertise to create an inaugural launch which includes downloadable one sheets for Multicultural Programmatic, U.S. Hispanic Search and LGBTQ Top 10 Best Practices on how to navigate challenges, develop authentic creative and be more effective in our approach as marketers.

The Council will continue to collaborate to expand this resourceful hub, and we expect to release additional one sheets on Multicultural Digital Video Content, Multicultural Creative and Multicultural General Digital Best Practices before the end of this year.

“The multicultural marketing landscape is changing so rapidly at the same that our country is becoming ever more diverse,” said Liz Blacker, EVP, Multicultural Strategy and Sales, iHeartMedia. “We all need resources to keep ourselves, our clients and our agency partners smart and nimble. The new Multicultural Hub is a significant new digital and industry resource.”

“With the dramatic increase and share of traffic on the internet, the best practices offered in these one sheets are more important than ever. We are certain every buy-side partner active in, and looking to be active in multicultural will find great value in this collaborative resource.” said Diego Antista Google US Multicultural Head and IAB’s Multicultural Council Co-Chair.

The IAB Multicultural Council is excited to launch this resource, advising brands as they seek to speak thoughtfully and authentically to everyone in the increasingly diverse mosaic of American consumers.

Visit the Multicultural Hub


Rena Unger