WASHINGTON, D.C. – At a virtual Federal Trade Commission (FTC) hearing this month, Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) will present serious concerns with proposed changes to the agency’s “Negative Option Rule” for online subscription services. In its latest public filing challenging sweeping new regulations, IAB argues the FTC is overstepping its authority with broad new rules and restricting public input that could prevent harm to businesses and consumers, despite laws requiring a robust process including cross-examinations and rebuttals.
On January 16th at 10 am ET, IAB Executive Vice President for Public Policy Lartease Tiffith, who last year called on the FTC to convene a hearing to address problems with new “click to cancel” rules, is scheduled to deliver 10-minute remarks. However,Tiffith underscored problems with the hearing format in a statement today. “IAB appreciates the opportunity to appear, but this very limited, informal hearing is another sign the FTC fails to grasp the significance of its own rules, which could upend a business model with consumer benefits. Mandating more fine print, requiring unworkable technical schemes, and prohibiting businesses from offering better deals without layers of consent, would cost consumers time, money, and services they enjoy.”
“A series of brief remarks at a hearing with a foregone conclusion allows the agency to avoid its responsibility to understand the consequences,” said Tiffith, noting that similar hearings have required several weeks, dozens of witnesses, and thousands of pages of evidence. “Over a thousand stakeholders including IAB, who have submitted public comments to the FTC, should expect an equal level of attention to this important issue for digital advertisers and marketers.”
About IAB
The Interactive Advertising Bureau empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. Its membership comprises more than 700 leading media companies, brands, agencies, and the technology firms responsible for selling, delivering, and optimizing digital ad marketing campaigns. The trade group fields critical research on interactive advertising, while also educating brands, agencies, and the wider business community on the importance of digital marketing. In affiliation with the IAB Tech Lab, IAB develops technical standards and solutions. IAB is committed to professional development and elevating the knowledge, skills, expertise, and collaboration of the workforce across the industry. Through the work of its public policy office in Washington, D.C., the trade association advocates for its members and promotes the value of the interactive advertising industry to legislators and policymakers. Founded in 1996, IAB is headquartered in New York City.
IAB Media Contacts
Kate Tumino / Brittany Tibaldi
212-896-1252 / 347-487-6794
[email protected]/ [email protected]