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The Interactive Advertising Bureau Announces the Formation of a Sales Executive Council

Council Comprised of Top Sales Executives at Interactive Member Companies

NEW YORK, NY (Thursday, May 3, 2007) – The Interactive Advertising Bureau today announced the launch of its first Sales Executive Council. Comprised of senior sales executives in interactive advertising from the IABs General Member organizations, the council has defined a dual mission: the sharing of best practices on sales executives proven techniques for becoming effective solutions providers, and the recruitment and retention of highly skilled sales professionals to the industry. As a key part of its charter, the council will provide insights and direction to the IAB Professional Development Series, ensuring that the curriculum continues to meet the ongoing training needs of the interactive industry.

“There has been enthusiastic response to the creation of the Sales Executive Council from our members,” said Randall Rothenberg, President and CEO of the IAB. “The council’s work on the promotion and development of the specific skills necessary to be an effective interactive media sales person is of critical importance to our members and the interactive industry at large.”

By furthering the exchange of successful strategies for better partnering with marketers and agencies, sales executives can strengthen their abilities to help their clients leverage the full power of the interactive medium. The council will also link to the existing Ad Ops Council, sharing knowledge and best practices with ongoing industry work at the IAB.

IAB Councils are industry groups consisting of senior executives with functional expertise who work on initiatives related to their departments’ needs and objectives. A chairperson will be appointed at the Council’s first meeting, on May 8 in New York City. The IAB’s Vice President of Member Services and Revenue Development, Andrew Q. Kraft will facilitate the first meeting.

More than 80 companies have confirmed the participation of their most senior sales executives. Some of the companies represented include AOL, CBS Digital Media, CondNet, Dow Jones Online,,, Fox Interactive Media, Google, Hearst Magazines, IAC, The McClatchy Company and NBC Universal.

“For us, this is an excellent opportunity to network, share best practices and focus efforts on finding ways to continue to develop the skill sets needed to sell the huge variety of interactive tools that are being created every day,” said John Trimble, Senior Vice President of Sales of Fox Interactive Media, “We welcome this council and look forward to participating.” For a complete list of the members of the IAB Sales Council please go to:

About the IAB:

Founded in 1996, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) represents over 300 leading interactive companies that are actively engaged in, and support the sale of Interactive advertising. IAB members are responsible for selling over 86% of online advertising in the United States. On behalf of its members, the IAB evaluates and recommends standards and practices, fields Interactive effectiveness research and educates the advertising industry regarding the use of interactive advertising. For more information, please visit

IAB Contact
Marla Nitke
Director, Marketing Communications