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Joe Laszlo of IAB Reveals Untold Truths about Programmatic in

Joe Laszlo Appointed to Vice President, Industry Initiatives, IAB

Brands and agencies alike certainly appreciate the efficiency that programmatic brings from a pricing standpoint. They also like its scalability, the way it brings in immediate returns, and that it clearly shows how messaging is optimized.

But the truth of the matter is, programmatic isn’t all rainbows and unicorns, and much is often left unsaid. Until now. reached out to Joe Laszlo, VP, Industry Initiatives, IAB, to get his perspective on some of the unspoken truths behind programmatic. Read more about what he and other industry leaders have to say.

And we invite you to learn more about programmatic at the IAB Programmatic Marketplace taking place in New York City on March 7, 2016. 5 Things You Won’t Believe About Programmatic Advertising