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Marcus Graham Project Launches New Clinton Global Initiative America Commitment to Action to Partner with 4A’s MAIP Program, IAB Education Foundation’s iDiverse Initiative, and VCU Brandcenter

Marcus Graham Project Partners with 4A's MAIP Program and IAB Education Foundation's iDiverse Initiative 2

Marcus Graham Project Announces “Boomerang Effect 2020 Plan” CGI Commitment to Action to fill a percentage of the 1.4 Million Jobs that will be open in the year 2020

Marcus Graham Project made a Clinton Global Initiative America (CGI America) Commitment to Action today at the 2016 CGI America Meeting.

DALLAS—June 15, 2016—Marcus Graham Project launched a Clinton Global Initiative America (CGI America) Commitment to Action this week at the 2016 CGI America Meeting.

The commitment was presented within the College & Career Readiness Working Group, amongst a variety of leaders working to support student success. Building off of the Reconnecting Youth Working Group of prior years, attendees in the new 2016 College and Career Readiness Working Group will generate Commitments to Action aimed at providing all students with access to the resources and opportunities needed to have a meaningful education and career.

The commitment, titled, “Boomerang Effect: 2020 Plan” kicks off a partnership between the Marcus Graham Project, the 4A’s MAIP Program, iDiverse, the diversity initiative of the IAB Education Foundation and VCU Brandcenter to build and deliver a $40 million comprehensive career readiness, job training, and job retention program. The program will be geared toward filling a percentage of the more than one million digital media, advertising, technology, data, operations, and e-commerce jobs that will be open by the year 2020, with qualified minority professionals who are widely underrepresented in the industry.

Read the full press release from Marcus Graham Project