The Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence is very proud to have a group of truly inspiring members. Today I attended BabyCenter‘s Mobile Mom seminar and it held true to that statement.
At the event, BabyCenter released survey results of more than 5,000 moms and members of the general population which, through extensive research, truly showcases the strength of mobile marketing, and maybe even more so, of “mobile moms.” In general, the report reveals that mobile mothers may not be tech geeks, but they definitely know how to work a smartphone.
“They use it as a remote control to their lives,” said Tina Sharkey, Chairman and Global President of BabyCenter. It is the tool that gets them through the day–socializing, comparison shopping, product reviews, advice, or simply as entertainment for themselves or their children.
More than half (53%) of the women surveyed said they purchased a smartphone as a direct result of becoming a mom and have no idea how they got by without one before. In addition, 45% felt decreased stress as a result of having a smartphone, and 27% said that it gives them a sense of calm.
The sample from the general population reflected that 39% used their phone for shopping in the past month. By comparison, as the primary purchaser in the family, 42% of moms said that they had done the same.
Moms are clearly a group to watch and invest in for mobile marketing. BabyCenter’s research helps pinpoint how important they are. Check out their “21st Century Mobile Mom®” report details here, and at