The IAB U.S. Podcast Advertising Revenue Study: 2023 Revenue & 2024-2026 Growth Projections, prepared for IAB by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”), quantifies annual podcast advertising revenues generated over the past year, analyzes revenue share by ad category and content genre, and forecasts future revenues through 2026.
Key takeaways:
- After years of double-digit increases, 2023’s overall challenging ad market slowed podcast’s growth.
- Podcasting is projected to grow 12% to over $2B this year and reach nearly $2.6B by 2026. The evolution of programmatic along with new revenues from video and live events, will help drive growth.
- A high volume of smaller categories continue to showcase the channel’s growth and appeal to a broad range of advertisers.
- For the second straight year, comedy and sports outrank news as production grows and listeners turn to lighter topics.
Download the full report to gain insight into podcast ad revenue trends and projections, breakouts by ad category and content genre, and for key industry developments and recommendations for how to capitalize on these trends.