Home Submit Newly Discovered Browsers or Spiders and Bots Table of Contents Requirements List modifications may be recommended by any entity including non-IAB members. Please forward requests to [email protected]. Adding Entries to the list: To add an entry to the list, the following must be provided (or enough of the following to allow for reasonable justification of the known browsers or robot’s addition to the list):Your Email Address* The complete user-agent string of the browser or suspected robot* Any IP addresses associated with the browser or robot* A sample of log file large enough to demonstrate the activity pattern of the browser or robot*A copy of any commercial or other publicly (or privately) available evidence that will support the existence, source and owner of the browser or robot*A written description of arguments supporting the addition of the browser or robot to the list*Evidence supporting the categorization of the browser or robot (commercial vs. personal)*Any other pertinent data which was collected by recommending entity