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The Next $50 Billion

The Next $50 Billion

This month I’ll be speaking as part of opening night at the IAB’s Annual Leadership Meeting in Palm Desert, and I’m particularly intrigued by the theme of the conference: “The Next $50 Billion.” Having been on the IAB board back when we celebrated our first million (with an m) dollar year, I can tell you that $50 Billion was not something any of us could have visualized. Yet here we are.

The Next $50 Billion 2No doubt there will be talk about how the industry prepares to ingest all that new money and about where it will come from. We’ll debate how much will be run programmatically and how data and personalization will drive and shape the spending. But I’ve got a simple question to overlay on the theme: How will we earn the next $50 Billion?

Read more from Doug Weaver, Upstream Group, in The Drift

Adweek: Facing Sales Leadership Challenges in a Shifting Digital World, The next $50 billion By IAB